Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Happy Athiests' Day

Psalm 14:1 "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God.'" (NIV)

Today was April 1st, the day where it's always fun to play a little joke on someone. April Fools jokes come in all varieties, from the simple to the elaborate, mundane to ridiculous. The best make you think they are real, but are painfully obvious once you look again and realize they aren't. There's always some good stuff floating around the Internet today. Below are some links on some of the good ones I have found.

Google never disappoints. This year they have brought out CADIE, the artificial intelligence that perhaps is learning a bit too much from the Internet...
She's even helping out with your email.

This guy got me good. Though, to be fair, it was still March 31 in my time zone when I read it...

Impossible physics, anyone?

Qualcomm genetic engineering for better wireless coverage.

Slashdot (a techie news site where can comment on the articles) always drums up a bunch of jokes. Here are some of the linked sites from today:

Microsoft wants in on some of that Rock Band success with Alpine Legend.

It seems that some institutions just can't resist the pressure of technology:

Advanced TiVo can jump ahead in the broadcast.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha!! :D These are awesome, my Sweetheart :D
